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New Direction

Q: What is �New Direction�?
It is an educational based magazine, and the first magazine of its kind which is going to be published in Pakistan. It�s a project of Entry Test Preparation( ), a facebook page that is helping the students since 2011. 

Q: Who is working on this project/magazine?
The page and the magazine both are run by the students. It�s a complete team of the students from different institutes who passed through the stage of Entrance tests and will be sharing their knowledge and experience with junior fellows. One of the best ways is to learn from experience of others, so it�s a very good opportunity for the students of intermediate to get the basic guidance from the senior fellows.

Q: Why there was a need to start the magazine?
There are a lot of academies who are working to prepare the students for the Entry Tests and are charging about 20k rupees from a student for a few days. Only a small number of students can afford this much amount. As a result students who do not have access to the internet and aren't joining any academy remain deprived of the basic guidance needed to prepare for the test. We started the magazine with the aim to help such students. We will try to reach the areas where academies are not functioning and students are unaware of the admissions related info. Although magazine will be available to the students all over the country..

Q:  Why should you buy this magazine? 
The stuff added in the magazine would not be available from any other source, since the team tried to gather the people who are best in their work. A brief list of the contents of the first edition is as follows:

1) NET-1 Statistics 
NET stands for Nust Entrance Test. Nust decided to take three tests for the year 2014, and the first test of the series was held from 21st December to 15th January. Many students appeared in the test but they were only informed about their scores. So what we have added in the magazine are the highest and lowest marks from each field, the number of students who appeared in this test and some graphs showing the marks attained by different students.  This will give you the idea where you actually stand and how hard you need to work.

2)  MCQs from Past Papers
Past Entrance Test Papers are rare things, which are normally not available in the market or on the web. We have been working on the page since 2.5 years so we collected a good amount of questions from various past papers. In the first edition we would be adding the past Mcqs of Last two chapters of Physics part 2. These chapters are selected because the number of mcqs from these in MCAT is more than any other chapter, plus these are normally not given much attention by the students. So we are adding the questions from various tests so that students may get the idea about the type of questions which can be asked and prepare accordingly. Questions are being added from past papers of MCAT, ECAT, NUST, GIKI, PIEAS, ETEA, LUMHS, DOW, NTS, and a few more tests. 

3) A Quiz competition
There is a quiz competition for the students, the questions will be all related to the Fsc concepts but would be difficult, infact very difficult. If you possess a good knowledge of your books you will be able to solve them.  Your concepts will be tested through this quiz, so it�s the best way for you to check how many things you absorbed and how many you skipped. Plus for the winners there will be the cash prizes. Details if this quiz will be available in the magazine along with all the procedure which you are to follow.

4) Guidelines for the test of AKU
AKU stands for Agha Khan University, it�s the best medical college in Pakistan. Unfortunately most of the students of provinces other than Sindh are unaware of this university. So this article will serve to introduce aku to the students plus it will guide how the students should prepare to get admission in this institute. 

5) Guidelines for NET
NET stand for NUST Entrance Test. As I mentioned above that this year 3 tests will be held, so a student has 3 chances to try for admission in Nust. In this article the commonly asked questions of the students about Nust and NET are answered.  It will clear all your confusions/issues regarding Nust and its test plus it will also guide you how to study for the test.

6) Closing aggregates of NET-2013
Students are always eager to know where the merit did closed last year. This time we are going to provide you the closing aggregates of last year i.e. at which percentage the merit stopped last year. This will help you to calculate how much scores you need in the test to get admission, and so you can work accordingly. 

7) Admission Calendar 
An admission Calendar mentioning the admission dates of the universities is added in the magazine. Students can detach it from the magazine and paste in their room. If you will have this magazine you would not have to search for the admission dates again and again or ask others. You will have the dates in your hands.

8) Cram Corner
The important conclusions/formulas which are not mentioned in the book but are asked in the Entry tests are added in this portion. As the name suggests you have to cram this stuff, it will surely help.

This is just a brief overview of the first edition of the magazine, there is a lot of other stuff as well. Through this magazine you will get what you need to know about the Entrance tests and there is no other such source which provides you all this stuff and all this stuff at a single place. 

The magazine will be available in the mid of February, most probably. If you have any question regarding the magazine, like from where to buy it or any other question you can drop an email to us.
Email id:
Do mention your name and your location in the mail so that you can be guided accordingly. 

Join the face book page for all the updates regarding magazine:


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